The Churches of Britain and Ireland


Oxfordshire on Wikipedia.

Adderbury. A splendid church, dedicated to St. Mary. The spire. Both © Steve Bulman. Interior view, © Simon Edwards (2011). Another viewinterior view, sedilia, font, brass, carved capital, carving (man-lion?), a wonderful owl and a two-tailed mermaid (among other carvings), all © Chris Stafford (2012). SP 471 354. Link. Friends Meeting House (link to external website). Methodist Church, © John French.
Albury, St. Helen. SP 6556 0508. © Bill McKenzie. Link. Grade II listed.
Alkerton, dedicated to St. Michael. The West front. Lively carvings on the clerestory. SP 377 429. All © Steve Bulman. Two interior views -1, 2 - both © John Bowdler. Link.
Alvescot, St. Peter. SP 274 045. © Brian J. Curtis.
Ambrosden, dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin (C). Two additional views - 1, 2. SP 602 193. All © David Regan (2019). Link1. Link2. Grade II* listed.
Appleford-on-Thames, St. Peter and St. Paul. Another view. SU 53047 93704. Both © Carole Sage (2013). Grade II listed.
Appleton, St. Laurence. SP 444 015. © Pete Stimpson. Another view, and an interior, both from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link. Grade II* listed.
Ardington, Holy Trinity. SU 4316 8832. © Simon Atkin. Interior view, from an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection. From the Unknown section -
Alyson Griffin had wanted to identify the church in this watercolour. Janet Gimber made the identification, and advised of this link as a proof. Link. Grade II* listed. For other related listed features, see here.
Ardley, St. Mary. From an old postcard in Steve Bulman's Collection. A modern view. SP 542 274. © Philip Kapp. Four additional views - 1, 2, 3, 4, all © Dennis Harper (2015). Link. Grade II* listed.
Ashbury, St. Mary the Virgin. Interior view. SU 265 849. Both © Simon Edwards. Interior view, from an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection - note that there was a rood screen in place at that time. Link (many photos).
Aston, St. James (consecrated 1839). Another view, three interiors - 1, 2, 3, and the font. SP 342 031. Link. Grade II listed. The former Baptist Church, now in residential use. Another view. SP 341 032. All © Dennis Harper (2015).
Aston Rowant, St. Peter and St. Paul. SU 727 990. © Les Needham. Link.
Aston Tirrold, St. Michael (interior view). SU 556 860. From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection.
Aston Upthorpe, All Saints. SU 552 861. From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection.

Balscote (Balscott in Pevsner), dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. This is a very unusual church, the south porch having a thin tower above. © Steve Bulman. SP 390 418.
Bampton, St. Mary the Virgin, restored in 1867-9. Some scenes from Downton Abbey were filmed here. SP 313 034. From an old postcard in Steve Bulman's Collection (frank unclear, perhaps 1911 or 1914). A modern view, © Marion Hall. Three additional views - 1, 2, 3, four interior views - 1, 2, 3, 4, the altar, and the font, which is described in the church guide as having a C19 bowl on a C14 base, all © Dennis Harper (2015). Link. Grade I listed.
Barford St. John. SP 439 333.© Steve Bulman.
Barford St. Michael has a fine Norman door. SP 432 327. Both © Steve Bulman.
Beckley, dedicated to St. Mary. Another view. SP 562 113. Both © Steve Bulman.
Begbroke, St. Michael. SP 468 139. © Brian J. Curtis.
Berrick Salome, St. Helen. Three interior views - 1, 2, 3, the roof timbers, and the font. SU 6238 9427. All © Christopher Skottowe (2023).
 Link. Grade II* listed. A grouping of several tombs and gravestones in the churchyard is listed as grade II.
Bessels Leigh (sometimes Besselsleigh), St. Lawrence. Interior view. SP 4563 0108. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.
Another view, © Chris Stafford (2013). Grade II* listed.
Binsey, St. Margaret on Antioch. Interior view. Both © Marion Hall. Link. Grade I listed - link.
Bix, St. James. SU 728 852.  Old Church, abandoned in 1875 after the building of St. James. SU 726 869. Both © Brian J. Curtis.
Black Bourton, St. Mary the Virgin. SP 287 042. © Brian J. Curtis. Another view, priest's door, scratch-dial, two interior views - 1, 2, the font, and an example of the several wall-paintings, all © Steve Bulman (2011). Grade I listed - link.
Bladon, dedicated to St. Martin, is chiefly of note for being the burial place of many of the Churchill family; the monuments include that of Winston Churchill. SP 449 148. © Steve Bulman. Another view, and an interior view, both © Dennis Harper (2007). Link. Grade II listed - link.
Bletchingdon, dedicated to St. Giles. SP 507 180. © Steve Bulman.
Blewbury, St. Michael and All Angels. Another view, and the interior. SU 531 859. All from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link. Grade I listed.
Bloxham, dedicated to St. Mary. Among many noteworthy features are the spire, and a fine doorway. SP 4301 3568. All © Steve Bulman. Four interior views - 1, 2, 3, 4, tympanum, column capital, wall paintings, the altar and the font, all © Chris Stafford (2012). Link1.
Link2. Grade I listed. Many churchyard features are listed separately - they can be found here. The Baptist Church on Hawke Lane, as seen by Streetview in 2009. Another view, from Streetview in 2011. It probably dates from 1859 (source), successor to an earlier chapel of 1812. SP 4293 3574. Link. The Spiritualist Church on Workhouse Lane was seen by Streetview in 2009. SP 4301 3609. Link (Facebook). A former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel stands at the junction of Old Bridge Road and Chapel  Street. Seen by Streetview in 2011, it pre-dates a map of 1900, and is now used as a theatre. SP 4313 3593. A map of 1957 marks a place of worship on Tadmarton Road, at SP 4246 3575. I've not been able to find out anything about this church. It has been demolished and the site is now used as a car park - seen here on a Streetview from 2021.
Bodicote is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. SP 459 377.© Steve Bulman.
Bourton, St. James (interior view). SU 233 867. Link. The former Baptist Chapel, which now serves as the village hall. SU 231 870. Both from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection.
Brightwell Baldwin, St. Bartholomew. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.
Brightwell cum Sotwell, St. Agatha. SU 578 908. From an old postcard (franked 1906) in Steve Bulman's Collection. An earlier postcard (franked 1904) shows the church before the vestry/north chapel was added. From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link.
Brize Norton, St. Britius. SP 300 076. © Brian J. Curtis.
Broughton, dedicated to St. Mary, is close to the splendid moated Broughton Castle, both surrounded by lovely parkland. The spire. SP 418 384. Both © Steve Bulman.
Broughton Poggs, St. Peter. SP 236 038. © Brian J. Curtis.
Buckland, St. Mary the Virgin. Interior view. SU 342 981. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Two interiors - 1, 2, both from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link.
Bucknell, dedicated to St. Peter. A fine doorway. SP 561 256. Both © Steve Bulman. Another view, three of the interior - 1, 2, 3, and the font, all © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade I listed.
Buscot, St. Mary. Another view. SU 2266 9814. Both
© Carole Sage (2010). Link. Grade I listed.

Cassington, St. Peter. SP 455 106. © Brian J. Curtis. My appreciation to Brian Curtis and Greg Mishevski for identifying the next image of the church, which was originally in the "Unknown" section. Original entry follows - "Andy Davidson is researching for a book on the history of the "Carry On" films. One of them has an aerial shot of a church and is interested in being able to place it. If it's stock footage, then it could be anywhere. If it was taken especially for the film, then it's likely to be in Berkshire, or nearby. Can you help?"
Caversfield, St. Lawre
nce. "Lots of wartime RAF graves here" says David. Another view. Both © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II* listed.
Chadlington, St. Nicholas. © Marion Hall. Link. Grade II* listed - link.
Chalgrove, St. Mary. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. A modern view, and an interior view, both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.
Charlbury, St. Mary the Virgin. From an old postcard (franked 1908) in Steve Bulman's Collection. Link.
Charlton-on-Otmoor, St. Mary the Virgin. Two interior views - 1, 2, the chancel, and the font. All © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade II* listed.
Checkendon, St. Peter and St. Paul. SU 663 831. © Nick Hopton. Link.
Chesterton, St. Mary. A lovely view in winter. The "mass" or scratch dial. SP 562 214. All © Andy Johnson.
Childrey, St. Mary the Virgin. SU 360 877. From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link. Grade I listed.
Chinnor, St. Andrew. SP 757 009. Methodist Church, originally the Bourne Memorial Chapel (Primitive Methodist), 1875. SP 754 009. Congregational Church. SP 756 013. Link. All © Les Needham.
Chipping Norton, St. Mary the Virgin. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. Two modern views - 1, 2, some splendid window tracery, a handsome gargoyle, and a window, five interior views - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the altar, and the font, all © John Bowdler (2014). Link. Grade I listed. Former Salvation Army Citadel, now Chipping Norton theatre. © Rob Brettle. Baptist Church. © Graeme Harvey. Grade II listed. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. © Steve Bulman (2011).
Chiselhampton, St. Katherine, a Georgian gem of 1762-3. The bell-tower with clock, interior view, altar, pulpit and font. All © Iain Taylor (2016). Link. Grade II* listed.
Cholsey, St. Mary, the burial place of Agatha Christie. SU 583 870. © Tim Tomlinson. Another view, and the interior, both from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link. Grade I listed.
Churchill, All Saints (C). SP 283 240. Grade II* listed. Old Church (K) - only the chancel survives, which latterly served as a mortuary chapel. The door. SP 279 245. Grade II listed - link. Methodist Church. SP 280 242. All © Steve Bulman (2011).
Clanfield, St. Stephen. SP 283 021. © Brian J. Curtis. The following are all © Steve Bulman (2011) - another view. An unusual feature is a statue of the saint high up on the turret-stair. The doorway has a Norman tympanum. I didn't see the scratch-dial during my visit, only when processing the photo - here's an enlargement. Two interior views - 1, 2, the squint, and the font. The columns have nice Norman capitals. This isn't mentioned by Pevsner. Grade II* listed - link. Methodist Church. SP 284 017. © Steve Bulman (2011).
Claydon is dedicated to St. James. © Steve Bulman. SP 457 501.
Clifton Hampden, St. Michael and All Angels. Another view, and an interior view. SU 579 942. All © Dave Westrap. Link1. Link2.
Coleshill, All Saints. SU 2355 9378. From an old postcard in Geoff Watt's Collection. A modern view, © Simon Edwards. Another view, © Carole Sage (2010). Grade II* listed.
Compton Beauchamp, St. Swithun. Interior view. SU 279 869. Both from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link. Grade II* listed.
Cote, the C18 Baptist Church. Two additional views - 1, 2. SP 352 032. All © Dennis Harper (2015). Link, which has details of opening times. Grade II* listed.
Cottisford, St. Mary the Virgin. Two interior views - 1, 2, and the font. All © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II* listed.
Cropredy, dedicated to St. Mary. The tower. Both © Steve Bulman. SP 469 468. Methodist Chapel, built as Wesleyan in 1881. Another view. SP 468 468. At least two buildings had been licensed for worship before the chapel was built - the earlier in 1819 - see link. According to local information, the building licensed in 1822 still stands adjacent to the present chapel, and services were held in the upper rooms. Both © Martin Richter (2011). Link.
Crowell, The Nativity of The Virgin Mary. Les explains that an article in the church claims that the dedication is an interesting example of the original Catholic dedication surviving to the present day. However, see the link which describes the dedication as just St. Mary the Virgin. Another view. SU 744 997. Both © Les Needham. Link.
Crowmarsh Gifford, St. Mary Magdalen. © Brian J. Curtis. SU 614 892.
Cuddesdon, All Saints. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson.
St. Michael. Interior view. SP 461 041. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Old postcard views of the exterior and interior, both from Judy Flynn's Collection. Link. Grade I listed.

Denchworth, St. James. SU 380 917. From an old postcard (posted in 1907) in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link. Grade II* listed.
Didcot, St. Peter on Church Street. Made redundant in 1977 (a new church was built nearby), the building now serves as Northbourne Community Centre. The area was known as North Hagbourne when the postcard was made. SU 529 898. From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link to the current St. Peter's website (with photo).
Dorchester on Thames, Abbey Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. © Chris Emms (2009). Another view, and two interior views - 1, 2, all © Dave Westrap (2009). Link1. Link2. Link3. St. Birinus (R.C.). © Chris Emms (2010). My appreciation to Geoff Pick for advising that this had been incorrectly listed under Dorchester, Dorset. Link.
Drayton (near Abingdon), St. Peter. Interior view. SU 480 941. Both from old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection.
Drayton (near Banbury), St. Peter. Another view. SP 428 416. Both © Martin Richter (2015). Link. Grade II* listed.
Dry Sandford, St. Helen. SP 467 004. From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection. Link.
St. Bartholomew. SP 359 076. From an old photo (Colin thinks perhaps 1930's) in Colin Waters' Collection. Four modern views - 1, 2, 3, 4, four interiors - 1, 2, 3, 4, the pulpit and lectern, and the Norman drum font (circa 1180), all © Dennis Harper (2015). Link. Grade I listed.
Duns Tew, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. SP 457 285. © Steve Bulman.

Easington, St. Peter. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson.
East Challow, St. Nicholas. SU 380 882.
From an old postcard in Judy Flynn's Collection. Grade II* listed.
East Hagbourne, St. Andrew. Interior view. SU 525 882. Both from an old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection. Grade I listed.
East Hanney, the former St. James the Less, now in commercial use. SU 418 930. © Gerard Charmley (2014).
n old postcard view, from Judy Flynn's Collection. Judy advises that Crockford's calls it St. James the Great; GENUKI has it as St. James the Less. Hanney Chapel (Grace Baptist). Interior view. Link. All © Gerard Charmley (2014).
East Hendred, St. Augustine of Canterbury. SU 459 886. Link. Grade II* listed. St. Mary (R.C.). SU 460 885. Grade II listed. Both f
rom an old postcards in Judy Flynn's Collection.
East Lockinge, All Saints. From an old postcard in Steve Bulman's Collection. Link.
Elsfield, St. Thomas of Canterbury. An interior view, the chancel and the font. All © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade II* listed.
Emmington, the former St. Nicholas, made redundant in 2003. SP 743 024. © Stuart Mackrell. Link1. Link2.
Epwell, dedicated to St. Anne. SP 353 405. © Steve Bulman. Two further views - 1, 2, and two of the interior - 1, 2, all © John Bowdler. The font, tentatively ascribed to the C14 by Pevsner. © John Bowdler.
Ewelme, St. Mary the Virgin. SU 6467 9140. From an old postcard (franked 1926) in Steve Bulman's Collection. A modern view, ©  Jeremy Roberts (2021). Link.
Grade I listed. Numerous tombs in the churchyard are listed separately here. The village also had Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist Chapels. The Wesleyan survives, as a shop on Parson's Lane, at SU 6442 9157. It has a date-stone for 1826, and it can be seen on a Streetview from 2011. The P.M. chapel which has gone, pre-dates a map of 1877-81. What is presumably this chapel is dated here to 1849-1923. The shed seen here on a Streetview of 2010 may be the former chapel, as it has brick footings.
Eynsham, St. Leonard. © Brian J. Curtis. SP 433 092.

Faringdon, All Saints. Interior view, a side chapel, and the font. SU 288 957. All © Steve Bulman (2011). Link. Grade I listed - link (where it's called Great Faringdon).
Fernham, St. John the Evangelist (1861). © Charles Clegg (2011). Link.
Finmere, dedicated to St. Michael. SP 637 332. © Steve Bulman. Another view, two of the interior - 1, 2, the chancel, and the font, all © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II listed.
Finstock, Holy Trinity. Brian tells me that the adult T.S. Eliot was baptised here on June 29, 1927. Mausoleum to the du Cros family. SP 362 166. Both © Brian J. Curtis.
St. Michael and All Angels. SP 6064 2913. © Steve Bulman. Link. Grade II listed.
Forest Hill, St. Nicholas. An interior view, the chancel and the font. All © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade II* listed.
Fritwell, St. Olave. Another view, three of the interior - 1, 2, 3, the chancel, and the font. All © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II* listed. Wesleyan Reform Chapel. Built in 1892 as the successor to an earlier chapel, it also served as a Temperance Hall. Another view. SP 5265 2945. Both
© Howard Richter (2016). Link.
Fyfield, St. Nicholas. Another view, showing a blocked doorway. SU 423 989. Link. Fyfield Baptist Chapel. SU 422 984. All © Steve Bulman (2011).

Glympton, St. Mary. © Brian J. Curtis. SP 424 218.
Godington, Holy Trinity. SP 6425 2784. © Carole Sage (2013). Link. Grade II listed.
Goring Heath, St. John the Baptist. © Derek Collier.
Goring-on-Thames, St. Thomas of Canterbury. O.S. maps indicate that the church stood immediately adjacent to a vanished nunnery. SU 5976 8071. © Christopher Skottowe (1962). Link.
Grade I listed. The lych-gate is listed as grade II. Goring Free Church stands on High Street and Manor Road at SU 5991 8076. It was seen by Streetview in 2021, and the 1912 O.S. map labels it as Congregational. The church website history page dates the church to 1893, successor to an earlier chapel, originally belonging to th
e Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion, of 1793. It also says that the earlier chapel now serves as the church hall, but I haven't been able to locate it. Church website. The 1912 O.S. map also marks a R.C. Church on Ferry Lane, at SU 5980 8060. It wasn't present on the 6" map of 1900. The church on the site today, Our Lady and St. John, has a significantly larger footprint, so has evidently been extended or re-built at some point. It was seen by Streetview in 2009. Link.
Great Bourton is dedicated to All Saints, and possesses a most unusual lychgate. Both © Steve Bulman. SP 455 455.
Great Haseley, St. Peter. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection - note that the card calls it just Haseley. Link.
Great Rollright, St. Andrew. The famous Rollright stone circle can also be easily visited from here. © Steve Bulman. SP 327 316.
Great Tew, St. Michael, close to the picturesque village of Great Tew. SP 399 289. © Steve Bulman. Another view, and an interior view, both © Aidan McRae Thomson.
Grimsbury, Banbury - see the Banbury page.
Grove, St. John the Baptist. SU 402 905. © Roy Graham.

Hailey, St. John the Evangelist. © Brian J. Curtis. SP 354 126. Link.
Hampton Gay, St. Giles. SP 485 165. © Brian J. Curtis. Another view. © Chalmers Cursley. Interior view. © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.
Hampton Poyle, St. Mary the Virgin. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson.
Hanwell, St. Peter (O). Two additional views - 1, 2. Hanwell is noted for its stone carvings; here are some from the frieze running around the outside of the chancel, and more from a column. The porch door is no longer used because it is in a very fragile state - this door is now used instead. Three interior views - 1, 2, 3, and the font. The clock (interesting video) is of 1671. All © John Bowdler (2013). Link1. Link2. Grade I listed.
Hardwick, St. Mary. © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade II listed.
Harpsden, St. Margaret. Another view, the interior, and the font. SU 7634 8092. All
© Chris Kippin (2021). Link. Grade II listed.
Headington, Oxford - see Oxford.
Hempton, St. John the Evangelist. © Steve Bulman. SP 444 319.
Hethe, dedicated to St. Edmund and St. George. The entrance. SP 593 294. Both © Steve Bulman. Another view, © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II listed. Holy Trinity (R.C., 1832). © David Regan (2018). Link1. Link2. Grade II listed
Highmoor Cross, St. Paul. Another view. SU 700 843. Both © Les Needham.
Holton, St. Bartholomew. © David Regan (2018). Grade I listed.
Hook Norton, a fine church dedicated to St. Peter. The tower. Both © Steve Bulman. Interior view, © Simon Edwards (2011). SP 355 332.
Horley has the unusual dedication of St. Etheldreda. The west front. SP 417 441. Both © Steve Bulman. Another view, the porch and door, priests door, carved tombstones, three interior views - 1, 2, 3, the gallery, wall-painting, the unusual painted pulpit, and the font. All © John Bowdler (2013). Grade I listed.
Hornton, dedicated to St. John the Baptist (O). The tower. SP 393 450. Both © Steve Bulman. Another view, the porch, priest's door, two interior views - 1, 2, the pulpit, two examples of the wall paintings - 1, 2, and the very fine Norman font. All © John Bowdler (2013). Link. Grade I listed. The Methodist Church (built as Primitive Methodist in 1884) shares services with St. John. Another view. Both © John Bowdler (2013).
Horton-cum-Studley, dedicated to St. Barnabas. SP 593 125. © Steve Bulman.

Idbury, St. Nicholas, which has a fine, blocked Norman doorway, and an unusual tomb in the churchyard. All © John Salmon.
Iffley - see the Oxford page.
Islip, dedicated to St. Nicholas. The tower. SP 526 140. Both © Steve Bulman. Another view, the interior and chancel, and the font, all © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade I listed.

Kencot, St. George. © Brian J. Curtis. SP 254 047.
Kidlington, St. Mary. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Another view, © Marion Hall. Link. Grade I listed - link.
Kingham, St. Andrew. Another view. SP 258 237. Both © Steve Bulman (2011). Link. Grade II* listed - link.
Kingston Bagpuize, St. John the Baptist. © Chris Emms (2011). Link. Grade II listed. News item, regarding thefts of lead from the church roof, twice in successive months of 2016.
Kingston Blount, former chapel, now a private residence. SU 739 994. © Les Needham. Janet Gimber advises that this was St. John's Church (1877, CoE).
Kirtlington, St. Mary the Virgin. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.

Langford, St. Matthew, which has significant Saxo-Norman fabric. SP 2491 0253. © Brian J. Curtis. Another view, and two details of carved stonework (1, 2), all © Derek Meek. Another view, a pair of crudely carved figures, and an interior arch, all © Christopher Skottowe (1964). Grade I listed. The village also has a former Primitive Methodist Chapel, at SP 2485 0269. It was seen by Streetview in 2011. Old maps also mark an Independent/Congregational  Chapel on Filkins Road at SP 2468 0285. Genuki says "founded in 1840", "closed after 1972". Streetview saw it in 2011.
Launton, St. Mary (R.C.). SP 603 228. © Steve Bulman. Another view, © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade I listed. Bethel Congregational Chapel on Station Road. © David Regan (2019). Link.
Lew, Holy Trinity (1841). © Chris Emms (2011). Grade II listed - link.
Lewknor, St. Margaret. SU 716 977. © Les Needham. Link.
Little Milton, St. James. The church website dates it to 1844. SP 6179 0074.
© Karel Kuča (2011). Grade II listed. A former Wesleyan Chapel can be seen in a Streetview from 2008. It pre-dates a map of 1898. SP 6192 0083.
Little Rollright has a charming little church, dedicated to St. Philip. SP 294 302. © Steve Bulman.
Little Wittenham, St. Peter. © Kit Heald. Another view. © Chris Emms (2010). Link.
Littleworth, Holy Ascension. Another view, and two interior views - 1, 2. SU 312 971. All © Steve Bulman (2011). Link. Grade II listed - link.
Longcot, St. Mary the Virgin. Another view and an interior view, all © Simon Edwards. Grade II* listed - link.
Lower Heyford, dedicated to St. Mary. SP 485 249. © Steve Bulman.

Mapledurham, St. Margaret. Mainly 14th and 15th century, with a major restoration in 1863. SU 670 766. © Nick Hopton. Link.
Marcham, All Saints. © Bernard Cole.
Merton, St. Swithun (K). © David Regan (2019). Grade I listed.
Milton (near Adderbury), St. John the Evangelist (church notice board) or St. Mary (Pevsner). Interior view, a window, and the font. Built in 1856, design by William Butterfield. SP 4505 3501. All © Chris Stafford (2012). Grade II listed.
Milton (near Didcot), St. Blaise. SU 4854 9242.
© Chris Kippin (2022).
 Link. Grade II* listed. A font in the churchyard is separately listed as grade II. The Methodist Church on High Street. SU 4860 9222. © Chris Kippin (2022). Link. The house immediately north of the Methodist Church is called The Old Chapel. A local informant has told Chris that it was the site of a chapel, a green tin tabernacle, demolished perhaps in the 2010's. Streetview confirms this - it was still extant in 2011, but gone by 2015. © Chris Kippin (2022). 
Milton-under-Wychwood, St. Simon and St. Jude. © Peter Morgan. Link.
Minster Lovell, St. Kenelm. SP 3240 1137. © Brian J. Curtis.
 Another view, from an old photo in Christopher Skottowe's Collection, dating from about 1926. Link. Grade I listed. The Methodist Church is across the river on Upper Crescent, at SP 3142 1099. It shows on older O.S. maps as Wesleyan, and was seen by Streetview in 2021. Link.
Mixbury. Dedicated to All Saints. The tower. SP 610 340. Both © Steve Bulman. Link.
Mollington, dedicated to All Saints. SP 443 476. © Steve Bulman.
Moulsford, St. John the Baptist. © Tim Tomlinson.

Nether Worton, another lovely little church. SP 426 302.© Steve Bulman.
Nettlebed, St. Bartholomew. SU 698 867. © Brian J. Curtis.
Newton Purcell, St. Michael and All Angels. © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade II listed.
Noke, dedicated to St. Giles. SP 544 132. © Steve Bulman.
North Aston, an otherwise fine church is spoiled by the overwhelming presence of North Aston Hall. The gap between hall and church is barely wide enough to allow passage between the two. Dedicated to St. Mary. © Steve Bulman. SP 480 289.
North Leigh.

Oddington, St. Andrew. Another view, two of the interior - 1, 2, and the early font. All © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade II* listed.
Over Worton
, dedicated to Holy Trinity. © Steve Bulman. SP 430 292.

Piddington, St. Nicholas. There is an improbably thin door, visible in the previous photo, with a close-up here. The door is about as wide as ones shoulders. SP 6400 1698. Both © Steve Bulman. Another view, © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade II* listed.
Pusey, All Saints. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.
Pyrton, St. Mary. Interior view. Both © Alan Craxford (2013). Link. Grade II* listed.

Radley, St. James the Great. © Chris Emms (2009). Link.
Rotherfield Greys, St. Nicholas. Mostly dated to a mid-Victorian re-build. SU 7265 8232. © Nick Hopton. It has a spectacular monument t
o Sir Francis Knollys (d. 1596), seen in its entirety here, and in close-ups - 1, 2, 3, all © Christopher Skottowe (1961). Link. Grade II* listed. A tomb in the churchyard is listed as grade II.
Rousham, St. James. An unusual recessed tomb. Both © John Salmon.
Rycote, the Chapel. Another view, five of the interior - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and the font. SP 6670 0465. All
© Karel Kuča (2011). Link. Grade I listed, which dates its consecration to 1449.

Salford, St. Mary. © John Salmon.
Sandford-on-Thames, St. Andrew. Two further views - 1, 2. SP 533 017. All © Dave Westrap. Link1. Link2. Link3. Link4. Link5.
Sandford Saint Martin, St. Martin. SP 420 267. © Steve Bulman. Another view, and an interior view, both © Aidan McRae Thomson.
Shellingford, St. Faith. Originally in the "Unknown" section, this old postcard (from Reg Dosell's Collection) was labelled as Stamford in the Vale. Thanks to both Janet Gimber and Garry Barr for identifying it. Two modern views - 1, 2, and an interior view, all © Simon Edwards. Two further interior views - 1, 2, both © Charles Clegg (2011). Link. Grade I listed.
Shenington, Holy Trinity. Two interior views - 1, 2. Both © John Bowdler. Link. The former Primitive Methodist Chapel, now in residential use. Built in 1819, a blacksmith's shop had been used for services for some years previously. Howard Richter has found evidence that it was still in use in 1962, but when it closed is at present unclear. Another view. SP 376 428. Both © Martin Richter (2015).
Shiplake, St. Peter and St. Paul. © Graeme Harvey. Another view, from an old postcard (franked perhaps 1903) in Steve Bulman's Collection. Link.
Shipton on Cherwell, Holy Cross. Another view. SP 480 165. Both © Chalmers Cursley. Link.
Shipton-under-Wychwood, St. Mary the Virgin. Another view, and an interior view. SP 279 180. All © Steve Bulman (2011). Link. Grade I listed - link.
Shorthampton, All Saints. Interior view, showing some of the medieval wall-paintings, and a close-up. All © Marion Hall. Link. Grade II* listed - link.
Shrivenham, St. Andrew. SU 240 890. © Judy Flynn. Methodist Church, © Janet Gimber (2016). Link.
Shutford is dedicated to St. Martin. SP 386 402. © Steve Bulman.
Sibford Gower, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. SP 352 378. © Steve Bulman.
Souldern, St. Mary. Another view, three of the interior - 1, 2, 3, and the font, all © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II* listed.
South Newington, St. Peter ad Vincula, which has a number of medieval wall-paintings. Interior view. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.
Stadhampton, St. John the Baptist. © William Wells.
Standlake, St. Giles. SP 397 036. © Brian J. Curtis.
Stanford in the Vale, St. Denys. Another view. Link. Grade I listed. The former U.R.C. All © Janet Gimber (2016).
Stanton Harcourt, St. Michael. SP 416 056. © Brian J. Curtis.
Stanton St. John, St. John the Baptist. SP 577 094. © Steve Bulman.
Steeple Barton, dedicated to St. Mary. The tower. SP 448 249. Both © Steve Bulman.
Stoke Lyne, dedicated to St. Peter. SP 567 284. © Steve Bulman. Another view, two of the interior - 1, 2, some brasses, and the font, all © David Regan (2018). Link. Grade II* listed.
Stoke Row, St. John the Evangelist. SU 678 840. Link. Stoke Row Chapel. SU 684 840. Link. Both © Les Needham.
Stonesfield, St. James. Pevsner, with uncharacteristic bile, describes this church as having had a "lunatic restoration" in 1876. © Brian J. Curtis. SP 394 171.
Stratton Audley, St. Mary & St. Edburga. SP 608 260. © Steve Bulman. Three interior views - 1, 2, 3. The stylistic differences between two objects in a church can rarely be as pronounced as between the severely simple font, and this OTT monument to Sir John Burlase, who died in 1688. All © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade I listed.
Sunningwell, St. Leonard. © Chris Emms (2010). Link.
Sutton Courtenay, All Saints - previously in the "Unknown" section. Peter Wenham had a photo of a village scene. Apart from guessing that it is probably in the southern half of England, there were no obvious clues to pinpoint it - though Peter had sent in other named photos from Suffolk and Devon. Thanks to Simon Davies for the identification. Two further views -
1, 2, both © Carole Sage (2013). SU 5049 9419. Link. News story. Grade I listed.
Swalcliffe is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul. © Steve Bulman. SP 378 379.
Swerford, St. Mary. SP 373 312. © Steve Bulman. An old postcard view, from Reg Dosell's Collection.
Swinbrook, dedicated to St. Mary. SP 2799 1215. © Steve Bulman. The Fettiplace tomb, two close-ups - 1, 2, the tomb of
Sir George (d. 1742), last Baronet Fettiplace, and the bale tombs in the churchyard, all © Christopher Skottowe (1964). Link2. Link2. Grade II* listed. Numerous churchyard tombs etc., are listed separately - they can be found here. A former Primitive Methodist Chapel survives over half a mile to the N.N.E., at SP 2831 1301. It's dated here to 1860, and was seen by Streetview in 2022.
Swyncombe, St. Botolph. Another view. SU 683 902. Both © Les Needham. Link.
Sydenham, St. Mary. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. A modern view. SP 729 019. © Les Needham.

Tackley, dedicated to St. Nicholas. © Steve Bulman. SP 475 202.
Tadmarton, dedicated to St. Nicholas. © Steve Bulman. SP 392 378.
Toot Baldon, St. Lawrence. © Chris Emms (2011). Grade II* listed - link.
Towersey, St. Catherine. Another view. Both © Les Needham. Link.

Upper Heyford, dedicated to St. Mary. © Steve Bulman. SP 495 259.

Wantage, St. Peter and St. Paul. SU 397 879. © Graeme Harvey. Another view. © Roy Graham. Link. Baptist Church. © Graeme Harvey.
Warborough, St. Laurence. SU 599 936. © Brian J. Curtis.
Wardington, St. Mary Magdalene. SP 4911 4633. © Steve Bulman. Another view, © David Regan (2018). The interior, a window, and the font and cover, all © Chris Stafford (2014). Link. Grade I listed. The former Wesleyan Chapel at Upper Wardington was built in 1898 and is now a private residence. The National Archives references documents relating to this chapel for the years 1896-1972. SP 4942 4606. © John French.
Watchfield, St. Thomas. © Janet Gimber (2016). Link - the link from here to the church website doesn't work.
Watlington, St. Leonard. Another view. SU 683 947. St. Edmund Campion (R.C., 1929). SU 689 943. Methodist Chapel, built as Wesleyan in 1812. SU 691 945. All © Les Needham.
Wendlebury, dedicated to St. Giles. SP 558 197. © Steve Bulman.
Weston-on-the Green, St. Mary (according to Pevsner) or St. Mary the Virgin (church signs). © Steve Bulman. SP 531 186.
Wheatfield, St. Andrew. Interior view. SU 688 992. Both © Aidan McRae Thomson. Link.
Whitchurch on Thames, St. Mary the Virgin. © Marion Hall. Link.
Widford, dedicated to St. Oswald, stands by itself in a field, and is built over the remains of a Roman villa. SP 273 121. © Steve Bulman. Another view. © Dave Westrap. Link.
Wigginton, St. Giles. SP 391 333. © Steve Bulman. Interior view. © Aidan McRae Thomson.
Wilcote, St. Peter. © Marion Hebblethwaite.
Woodcote, St. Leonard. © Derek Collier.
Woodeaton (or Wood Eaton), Holy Rood. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. A modern view, two of the interior - 1, 2, the chancel, and the font, all © David Regan (2019). Link. Grade I listed.
Woodstock is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. It has a fine Norman doorway. SP 444 167. Both © Steve Bulman. Another view, and an interior view, both © Aidan McRae Thomson.
Wootton, St. Mary. SP 439 199. © Brian J. Curtis.
Wroxton, All Saints. SP 418 419. © Steve Bulman. Grade II* listed. St. Thomas of Canterbury (R.C.). Date variously given as 1894 or 1887, according to source consulted. Another view. SP 418 419. Both © Martin Richter (2014). Sundial Farmhouse Methodist Chapel (now with the three upper windows, and the garage door) was adapted from an existing barn and stable in 1822. SP 4135 4182. Link. It closed in 1935 to be superseded by Goodman Methodist Chapel (date-stone). This too has closed (seemingly in 2012, or soon after), and is now up for sale with planning permission for conversion to residential use. Sale notice. This Google Maps image shows it in 2011, when still in use. SP 4110 4175. All © Martin Richter (2015).




18 May 2024

© Steve Bulman

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