The Churches of Britain and Ireland

County Laois                

County Laois on Wikipedia.

Abbeyleix, Holy Rosary Church (R.C.). © Joseph Cantwell.

Ballycarroll, Holy Trinity (CoI). © Liam Murphy. Link.

Killeshin, Holy Cross (R.C.). SF 6366 3952. © Liam Murphy. Link. Old maps show, a little way to the west, Ch. (in Rns). SF 6338 6951. It was seen by Streetview in 2019.

Portarlington, St. Paul (CoI), or the "French Church" (to right, square tower with pinnacles) named for the Huguenots who were a large part of the congregation. The other visible church (with the spire) is St. Michael (R.C.), identified as such by Joseph Cantwell. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. Link.
the Methodist Church on Station Road. © John Balaam (2022). Link.

Spink, St. Lazarian (R.C.). © Liam Murphy. Link

Vicarstown, Church of the Assumption (1841). Another view. Both © Martin Thompson.




23 June 2024

© Steve Bulman

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