The Churches of Britain and Ireland

Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight on Wikipedia.

Arreton, an old engraving of St. George, the earliest parts of which date to the C11. Another view (engraving dated 1883). Both © Colin Waters Collection. Another view, from an old postcard (franked perhaps 1903) in Steve Bulman's Collection. A modern view, the interior, font and font cover. A sign explains that the font cover was made from oak from an old barn, to the design of Mr Christian (presumably Ewan Christian, although it isn't listed amongst his works here), the architect for the restoration of 1886. The font itself is a Victorian copy of a Norman original. All © Martin Richter (2013). Link1. Link2. Grade I listed. Arreton Methodist Church was built in 1866 as a Bible Christian Chapel. Another view, and the date-stone. SZ 542 860. All © Martin Richter (2012). Link.

Binstead, Quarr Abbey (R.C., Benedictine). SZ 5623 9274. From an old postcard in Christopher Skottowe's Collection. Link. Grade I listed. There was a medieval Quarr Abbey nearby, at SZ 5666 9268. A Cistercian foundation of the 12th century, its grade II listing says that the remains are scanty. See here for some photos. Holy Cross, as seen by Streetview in 2015, and on an old postcard. Two more old postcards show the interior - 1, 2. SZ 5752 9281. Link. Grade II listed. A re-sited Norman doorway in the churchyard wall is also listed, as grade II. The Methodist Church (2009 Streetview), dated 1888, is on Arnold Road and Chapel Road at SZ 5737 9218. Older maps label it as Wesleyan. Link. The cemetery on Cemetery Road has a Mortuary Chapel, seen here from Arnold Road in a Streetview from 2011.
Bonchurch, St. Boniface. © Bill McKenzie. Previously in the "Unknown" section, this image dates from around 1932, from Colin Waters' Collection. Thanks to Bill Davison who has identified it. This old postcard dates to no later than 1918 (it has a 1/2d. stamp - the postal rate increased to 1d. in June 1918). From Shayne van Rensburg's Collection. Melvyn Hunter advises that this church was the one from which Airfix produced their model - some photos of the model can be seen here.
Brading, St. Mary the Virgin, in a 19th century engraving. SZ 6066 8732. © Colin Waters Collection. An old postcard view, from Reg Dosell's Collection. Another old postcard of the interior can be seen here. Link. Grade I listed. Numerous churchyard tombs, etc., are listed here. The Methodist Church on New Road, as seen by Streetview in 2021. Old maps show that it was built between 1866 and 1897, as Bible Christian. SZ 6067 8703. Link has an interior view.
Brook, St. Mary the Virgin (2011 Streetview). SZ 3946 8439. An old postcard view. Link. Grade II listed. The lych-gate, and a churchyard monument are also listed, for which see here. Older maps show a Methodist Chapel in the village at SZ 3904 8390. On a map of 1866 it's Jireh Primitive Methodist, and in 1898 as Bible Christian. It was still active beyond the middle of the last century, but has since been closed and demolished. Its site was seen by the Streetview van in 2021.

Calbourne, All Saints. From an old postcard in Steve Bulman's Collection.
St. Mary. SZ 4855 8825. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection. Originally in the Unknown section, Elizabeth Moore was looking for help in identifying the church on a photo bought at a sale in Kettering. This is an enlargement, but the original has written by hand on the front "Photo taken in 1964", though additional writing on the back implies a 1950's date. The church itself is evidently large, and the multi-stage tower with external staircase is distinctive. Note particularly what appears to be a middle pinnacle projecting outwards from the face of the tower - a most unusual feature. It was identified by Phil Draper, and Elizabeth herself. Link1, with history here. Link2 (scroll down). If you are planning a photographic visit, this last link includes the helpful comment that
John Smith's house at Castlehold was licensed for Congregational worship in 1672. (fn. 359) There is now a Primitive Methodist chapel at Carisbrooke, also a United Methodist chapel at Gunville, built in 1907, and a Bible Christian chapel at Chillerton. The very brief Grade I listing. A good modern photo is available here.
Cowes, the former West Hill Primitive Methodist Church (1889), now the Cowes Library and Maritime Museum. SZ 496 958. © Bill Henderson (2014).

Freshwater, St. Agnes. © Bill McKenzie (2011). All Saints, from an old engraving dated 1883. SZ 346 873. © Colin Waters Collection. The engraving isn't labelled, and was identified by Judy Flynn. Link. Grade II* listed.

Godshill, All Saints on Church Hill. SZ 527 818. From an old postcard (franked 1907), Steve Bulman's Collection. A modern view, © David Gallimore, and another, © Bill Henderson (2014). Link. Grade I listed. Methodist Church on High Street, built as Wesleyan in 1838. SZ 529 817. © Bill Henderson (2014). Another view, © Terry Smith. Link. Grade II listed.
Gunville, Carisbrooke & Gunville Methodist Church, on Gunville Road, as seen by Streetview in 2019. An old postcard of it is labelled with the caption "opened July 11th, 1907". SZ 4802 8903. Link. Older O.S. maps show Bethel Bible Christian Chapel very close to the later Methodist Church, at SZ 4802 8902. I suspect that what is today the Sunday School is the earlier chapel. It has a date-stone for 1848, the "Sunday School" above the date must be a later addition. 2015 Streetview.

Newport, the Minster Church of Sts. Thomas on Pyle Street. Bill explains that the church was originally dedicated to St. Thomas of Canterbury. Henry VIII declared Thomas Beckett a traitor, so the dedication was changed to St. Thomas, which in later years was assumed to be St. Thomas the Apostle. Hence the unusual dedication to Sts. Thomas. SZ 4997 8915. Link. Grade I listed. The former Congregational Church (1848) on St. James's Street, now a pub. A plaque gives a little history. SZ 4983 8919. All © Bill Henderson (2014). The Methodist Church on Quay Street. Older O.S. maps label it as Bible Christian. SZ 5002 8926. © John Balaam (2022). Link.


St. Lawrence, an engraving of the church, described as "Remarkable for having one of the smallest Parochial churches in England". An enlargement of the church from the same engraving. There is an earlier engraving here, showing the church before the chancel was added in 1830. A modern photo is available here; this also has the contradictory date for the chancel of 1842. From John Bowdler's Collection.
Seaview, St. Peter (1858) on Church Street. Another view. SZ 628 915. Link. Grade II listed. The former Holy Cross (R.C., 1957-2011). The congregation now hold a monthly mass in the Lady Chapel of St. Peter. SZ 628 916. Grace Church (Independent Evangelical) on Church Street was built in 1854 as Beulah Free Church - see the date-stone. On a map of 1862 the building is shown as "Wesleyan Reform", and it was probably built for them. Later maps show it as Methodist (1946-7 edition), and Free Church (1973). SZ 628 915. Link. All © Martin Richter (2012).
Shorwell, St. Peter. © Bill McKenzie (2011). Link.

Ventnor, Holy Trinity. From an old postcard in Reg Dosell's Collection.

Whippingham, St. Mildred. From an old postcard, Steve Bulman's Collection. An old engraving © Colin Waters Collection.
Wootton Bridge, the Methodist Church on Station Road. SZ 5360 9140. © John Balaam (2022). Link.

Yarmouth, St. James, on St. James's Street. The interior, and the East window. SZ 3546 8966. All © John Balaam (2022). Link. The history page dates it to 1614-26. Grade II* listed. For other listed features in the churchyard, see here.




24 July 2024

© Steve Bulman

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